Managing your time is the most effective way to control and manage your life. To make your life easily you should schedule your time. For this you need to develop a time line. If you have long assignments- divide them into parts, according to the steps of the academic process:
1)Selecting a topic
2)Gathering information
3) Organizing the inf-tion
4) Developing an outline
5) Preparing the final draft or presentation
6)Editing or correcting
7) Preparing the final report
2)Gathering information
3) Organizing the inf-tion
4) Developing an outline
5) Preparing the final draft or presentation
6)Editing or correcting
7) Preparing the final report
And then you could easily follow your time-line without any worries, because you know how much time you can afford to spend for each step.
You also can use your calendar as a checklist. At the end of each day (or every Saturday) check to see if all tasks have been completed. If not, attempt to complete them.
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