пятница, 18 февраля 2011 г.

The Way I Used to Present in Past and Techniques I Want to Try in Future.

Creating PowerPoint project requires certainly talent and efforts. You can use your fantasy, but be careful, you can face the risk to overdecorate your project and it would become silly-looking. From our lessons I learned several rules, or steps how to create perfect PowerPoint. Firstly, you should select the narrow topic, because if your theme is too wide you won`t be able to observe all aspects.  Then select and gather the information, images connecting with your topic.  The next step is to create your project in PowerPoint. Keep in mind, you shouldn`t use too much text (approximately 2- 3 lines), the font should be big and visible. Don`t use more than 3 colors.  I suggest you to schedule your time –line and if you hustle it will be better for you.
The process of creating PowerPoint was interesting. ))

Creating PowerPoint Project

PowerPoint was designed as  a tool for student learners.When you are creating new PowerPoint project try to use visual in your work. Locate visuals such as clip art, artwork,
illustrations, and photos you wish to use in
your project. Then, copy and paste visuals
into your project. Consider the message
and context of the visual. What’s the
purpose of your visual? Does the visual
need to be a realistic and accurate representation? Does the visual need to
be motivating? Does it need to tell a story?
Yes,it does. It helps users to understand  and make your work more interesting and informative.

My reading experience

According to our book “Study Power” there are 2 types of reading:
Reading 4 pleasure Study reading
What about me I really like to read different types of books. It can be science-fiction, romantic books and the variety of genres. But if I need to read study books (as chemistry, math, etc) I always try to catch the meaning by reading the main parts of articles. Often it is not the best way of learning new, the hard truth is that unless you know the important definitions and the specific details cold, you will not be able to do well on most multiple- choice and short- answer tests.
So according to our book we should:
Preview (5 min) Read title, subtitle, and look at pictures, read the summary.
Skimming (5-10 min) First, first, last
Active reading ( 20-30 min) Chunk into small parts, take notes.
Summarizing in 7-9 sentences

My note –taking experience

During the lessons we should take notes, but not detailed (except some special information) we should notice the main idea of topic. But why we need it? We have books, teachers, why we need to take notes? If you have notes they will be a proof that you have been on a lecture that you’ve been involved in a topic.
What above me, I always try to notice the main idea of a topic, because it is very helpful method of learning new information.

Tape recording the lecture

Tape recording let you relax and really concentrate on lecture without being afraid that you will miss something. But despite it advantages, taping does present some difficulties. For example after taping you need to review all information in order to understand, and it will take more time.
Some student can TOO relax while taping, because they could think that there is no need to concentrate attention on information, cos they have it in taping version.
In my opinion taping lectures is very useful, but it Not an excuse to stop listening and participate in lectures.

Time management problems

Managing your time is the most effective way to control and manage your life. To make your life easily you should schedule your time. For this you need to develop a time line. If you have long assignments- divide them into parts, according to the steps of the academic process:
1)Selecting a topic  
2)Gathering   information
3) Organizing  the inf-tion
4) Developing  an outline
5) Preparing    the final draft or presentation
6)Editing or    correcting
7) Preparing the final report
   And then you could easily follow your time-line without any worries, because you know how much time you can afford to spend for each step.

Another way to manage your time is to be scheduled every day. Record your appointments or commitments you have for each day. Every Saturday, complete daily calendars for each day of the upcoming week.
You also can use your calendar as a checklist. At the end of each day (or every Saturday) check to see if all tasks have been completed.  If not, attempt to complete them.

Objectives and goal..........!

We know that Goal should be

And I have my own goal!                                                                      
Objectives:    Step 1. To get  good marks
                           Step 2. To learn English perfectly
                           Step 3 To get IELTE certificate
                           Step 4. To find a suitable job
                           Step 5. To earn a lot of money             
Goal   : To travel a lot   

Mouse vs. Touch Screen.

Nowadays most of people can`t imagine they life without modern technologies, for example TV, DVD, vacuum cleaners and etc. More often we use computers; they allow us to do our life more easy. The computer technology is always developed. Now we can use touch screen technologies, especially they developed in architectural industry. In homes most of people use mouse. Mouse is a pointing device that helps a user navigate through a graphical computer interface. The example of touch screen technology is light pen. It is an electronic pointer that allows users to modify designs on screen.

The ways to remember new things.

My learning style is Visual learner. My score was 43 points. It means that to see something by my own eyes is the best way to learn new things.
Sometime I practice my visual memory; it is not so difficult exercise and I could do it when I have a rest. I find some countable things (it may be a pictures on my wall-paper, or other small things surrounding you) and glanced them. Then I close my eyes and try to remember that I have seen. I am trying to reproduce the whole picture. This exercise is a good practice to do your memory better. And recently I told above this method to my friends, and now they are also trying to prove they memory.
With all good wishes

Our studies

To enter the exams I engaged with the tutor. I was very hectic and have no time for other things, it was a very hard probation for me. Then I entered the IELTE exams and now I am a  student of special group. In order to do it I enrolled in reception list and then I was conserved in my group. It was real accomplishment to pass the exams. Now we have a special syllabus with a certain charge. Our majoring subject is English. I learn it to land a job in future; I cannot do it now because our attendance is also important. I talked it over with my parents, they analyzed the situation and concluded that it have miner important for me, and that I need to live out this idea. We have a scholarship in our university and take it ones a month. Further our scholarship will be grown. We also have a big campus in our university. I am very happy to enter The Uzbek state university of foreign languages.

My first impression and expectations.


   When I passed the examinations in IELTE my first reaction was-WOW!!  It was joyful news. My first lesson was linguistic. It was very interesting. We drew pictures (the meaning of our name) instead of having the boring lectures. We had 3 lessons in that day. Always it was hard 4 me to sit 3 lessons in succession. But I had no time to come round as lessons were finished. They was so interesting that I had not noticed as quickly had run time.
I expect that I will learn English well and will become a good specialist of my work.